• Welcome Message

    Welcome to this blog. Welcome to my Life..

So you sometimes wonder why everything is so confusing.
Why nothing makes sense. And when you think of such things, hell no!..it's the start of another vicious circle.
A circle that will not end..it will never end. Really?..Then why do they say that nothing is permanent?
You thought you couldn't do this and that but then you finally did it.. Didn't you? Was is so easy? HELL NO!!
But in the end you were able to do it..you did it..in the end..

So why are you so confused?
I know things don't make sense right now but they will...yes they always do..
Do they?Always?Really?
Err I'm not a philosopher so I don't know the answer to this question, sorry, but for now you have to think that they will. Yes they bloody will!

Because.. You weren't born to be weak..were you?
                 You have that strength within you..That inner strength that will take you to greatness..in                       your own way..you didn't come into this world to seek greatness in this world ..you have                     to be great in your own right way..Greatness that gives you satisfaction and the will to                        fight.. every time you fall..you get up again and fight!..yes fight your demons..NOW!

You will not..will NOT let things get the better of you..They have in the past, yes, but ha! not this time. It's the rise of the better, bigger, stronger you. Greatness is around the corner..you just have to reach there..Will it be easy..?..No.. but to hell with it..you will get there eventually because you're so damn inspired while writing this that you will...get there..


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